Celebrating Christmas Together

Celebrating Christmas Together

Bonnie Hahn's picture
December 22, 2014 - 5:30pm -- Bonnie Hahn

The Nebraska Pride Chorus met together for fun, food, and fellowship at the home of Jim and Bonnie Hahn. After a wonderful potluck dinner we exchanged secret sister gifts and sang a little.  We look forward to another year ahead of us.We do know how to have a good time!

Contact us

Nebraska Pride Chorus
Greater Mid Nebraska

Including towns: Kearney, McCook, North Platte,
Holdrege, Arapahoe, and Lexington

Contact us

Join Us

All chorus members and any woman who loves to sing is welcome to join us

Every Tuesday, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
at First United Methodist Church
201 East 8th St. Lexington NE


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